Recertification Tips: On-the-Job Learning in the Age of Coronavirus

As a long time, certified SPHR® and PHRca®, there were several recertification facts I did not know. Once I became an HRCI employee, I thoroughly read the Recertification Handbook and discovered different ways to earn and submit recertification credits.

For example:

  • If you participate in learning activities related to your industry – banking, health care, etc. – these learning activities generally fall under the “Leadership and Strategy” section of the SPHR Exam Content Outline (ECO) or the “Business Leadership” section of the SPHRi ECO, and would qualify for business credits.
  • Demonstrating growth through on-the-job learning is an incredibly cost-effective development and recertification option, particularly when times are tight and when opportunities for learning through challenging new work activities are plentiful.

A traditional method of recertification is to participate in and submit codes for structured HR learning activities like conferences and webinars, (including programs on Coronavirus-COVID-19) as professional development. However, don’t miss the opportunity to earn credits for on-the-job activities. These programs fall under the professional achievement recertification category and allow you to submit up to 40 recertification credit hours for on the job learning.

As an HR professional, you are dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus in the workplace. You are having to initiate a variety of efforts that may or may not be familiar to you. Therefore, your involvement presents a great learning opportunity to take notes and share your learning along the way.

Additionally, Coronavirus-related learning, can be used to claim specified credits. For example, those who have earned the PHRca certification were among the first in the U.S. to face significant restrictions to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus imposed in California.

Relatedly, on a global scale, individuals with the GPHR® certification working for multinational organizations had to cope with travel restrictions, closed borders and many other unknowns as the news of the virus first began to spread.

For example, here are a few tasks in the Leadership and Strategy functional area and activities that an SPHR® certificant may be participating in for the first time:

  • Develop and execute HR plans that are aligned to the organization’s strategic plan: As your organization adapts its new business strategy and deals with the effects of the coronavirus, you either are or, will be, required to plan for remote work, transportation disruptions and other mandatory restrictions, as well as the psychological toll the uncertainty has on your workforce. Document how all of this was new learning for you.
  • Analyze and assess organizational practices that impact operations and people management and decide on the best available risk management strategy: Similarly, you must determine how to keep your organization functioning, while keeping your employees safe. Every organization’s experiences are unique, depending on the nature of your business and location. But, since anticipating and mitigating risk is foundational to senior-level HR practice, you are most likely playing a key role in guiding your organization forward.
  • Evaluate credibility and relevance of external information to make decisions and recommendations: We are all closely watching the news and analyzing risks. SPHRs must review guidance and make recommendations to other leaders in the organization, as well as anticipate and respond to employees’ questions. What did you learn from this?
  • Develop and manage workplace practices that are aligned with the organization’s statements of vision, values and ethics to shape and reinforce organizational culture: We all have received countless emails from organizations that have ongoing business relationships with us. Many explain why they are choosing a course of action and most are linked directly to the organization’s vision and values. What has your organization done? Did you learn something from this?

These are just a few examples of responsibilities covered by the requirements of our SPHR, GPHR and PHRca designations. If you are being called upon to stretch your HR expertise to new levels in these areas, you can write a short explanation of what you did and learned from the experience.

Using this information, you can recertify by self-reporting and showing what area(s) of the Exam Content Outline it is linked to, and request either Business, Global or California credits, as appropriate.

Recertifying for the first time? We are here to help. Visit the Recertification Resources page, attend a Recertification Office Hours session or submit your questions to us directly via email or phone.

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